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Fall Line

5.9, Sport, 100 ft (30 m),  Avg: 2.6 from 7 votes
FA: unknown
Idaho > W Idaho > Pins And Needles > Pins > Northern Pins > Terrapin


Great route. Lots of fun climbing including slab, face, arete, and some crack. Shares a few bolts with Sandy Line and then moves up the adjacent face . Kind of a 'choose your own adventure'at the top. The crux is more mental than anything as there is a slightly run out section after you leave the slab with the potential to deck on the slab, however the climbing is easy and fun and an astute belayer can help minimize fall distance. As with any route in the Pins and Needles area, take a 70m rope and/or take two. 60m will work but you may have to get creative with it on other climbs in this area. Knot your ends!!


Located on the Terrapin Center Section and immediately right (West) of the Sandy Line and shares the first few bolts.


Bolts are obvious and 7-8 quickdraws will work fine. 2 bolt anchor.

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This is from Oly Klosof's free guide:
8. Sandy Line – 5.7
9. Fall Line – 5.9
10. Bee Line – 5.10a
11. Shakedown Street – 5.9
12. Dancin’ in the Streets – 5.10b
13. Harvest Winds - 5.11d
[Hide Photo] This is from Oly Klosof's free guide: 8. Sandy Line – 5.7 9. Fall Line – 5.9 10. Bee Line – 5.10a 11. Shakedown Street – 5.9 12. Dancin’ in the Streets – 5.10b 13. Harvest Winds - 5.11d…
Terrapin - main wall in center of east face
[Hide Photo] Terrapin - main wall in center of east face

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Robert Aston
Meridian, ID
  5.8 PG13
[Hide Comment] The crux is between bolts 4 and 5 and they are far apart. If you fall just before bolt 5 you will deck on the shelf below bolt 3. It isn't really that hard but this route could really use another bolt between 4 and 5 to protect the crux. I rated it PG-13 because of this. It is a very fun climb though. I had a blast. Aug 1, 2018
[Hide Comment] Robert Aston is spot on. There is high potential of decking on this route and a PG-13 rating should probably be added. May 13, 2019
Mark Stoeckl
  5.9 PG13
[Hide Comment] These folks are spot on with their comments, although the lack of bolt #4.5 gives this climb character. The crux is certainly durring the runout, and a crystal broke under my foot just before the 4th bolt. Saved by secure hand placements, but it wasn't the only hold to break on me that day. Oct 2, 2019