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Gold Digger

5.10a, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2.6 from 8 votes
FA: Olin Erickson, Ron Brunckhorst (09/2007)
Montana > Southwest Region > Indian Creek > Big Horn Wall


Starts with a nice face climb and transitions upwards to balancy moves with crimpy hands and great feet.


Farthest right route located just left of the big pine tree at the base.


5 bolts to chain anchor located at a nice big ledge. Anchor is shared with Shape Shifter.

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Gold Digger, 5.10a at the Bighorn Wall.
[Hide Photo] Gold Digger, 5.10a at the Bighorn Wall.

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Mark Carlsen
Bozeman, MT
[Hide Comment] Fairly easy for a 10a. Farthest right route on Bighorn Wall Apr 23, 2018