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Low Jam
Sport, 55 ft (17 m),
Avg: 3.7 from 15
FA: Joe Kinder
> Southwest Utah
> Saint George
> Hurricave
This is steep chossy cave climbing with a somewhat moderate grade at it's best. While the line is incredibly steep, for most of it you are traversing and not actually climbing upside down. Only the final bit involves true steep climbing.
Climb the majority of the warmup "Over the Transom" but instead of climbing up to the anchors continue traversing right and downwards in a few spots. There is a great jug rest to recover on before climbing through the final steep section with an awesome and gymnastic crux.
Starts in the back right corner of the cave, shares start with "Over the Transom 11d/12a"
Fixed Draws to Anchors
[Hide Photo] Max working the moves on Low Jam. Anchors of Over the Transom are visible in the top left - Thanksgiving 2019