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5.13b, Sport, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 3.3 from 3 votes
FA: Mikaël Fortin
International > N America > Canada > Quebec > 05. Cantons-de-… > Mt Orford (Pic… > d. Le grand mur
Warning Access Issue: SEPAQ day fee to be payed at parking or online DetailsDrop down


Vertical route with its difficulty concentrated between two quickdraws, where the tips of your index fingers are put to the test. The size of your fingers will dictate the possible grip in the vertical crack, marking the start of the crux, followed by a particularly demanding clip. Climbers of smaller stature will have access to a few intermediate holds, though they are almost microscopic. Once the bulge is overcome, the route leads to a giant flake before reaching a shared anchor with Référendum.


bolts to loweroff.

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Étienne Gaucher
Montreal, QC
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