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Darth Vader

5.9, Sport, 20 ft (6 m),  Avg: 1.3 from 6 votes
FA: unknown
International > N America > Canada > Quebec > 05. Cantons-de-… > Mt Orford (Pic… > f. Le petit mur
Warning Access Issue: SEPAQ day fee to be payed at parking or online DetailsDrop down


Short slab with low crux.


4 bolts to loweroff

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At the crux, preparing for the layback.
[Hide Photo] At the crux, preparing for the layback.

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Vanessa Trudel
[Hide Comment] This climb is at the far right on the Petit Mur, separate from the other climbs on the Petit Mur. It is on a wall with Skywalker, before you get to a tied up rope at the end of the trail.

I am 5'2" and my friend 5'8". The crux for us was between 1st and 2cd bolt. We had to layback the cracked line on the right of the climb. Before that move, to get on the medium ledge, we did a high left heel rockover, with a right hand press and left hand on the pinch higher up. May 17, 2021