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5.13c, Sport, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 2 from 1 vote
FA: Mathieu Fontaine
International > N America > Canada > Quebec > 05. Cantons-de-… > Mt Orford (Pic… > d. Le grand mur
Warning Access Issue: SEPAQ day fee to be payed at parking or online DetailsDrop down


Very bouldery overhanging bulge that constitutes the left wall of the BMW dihedral.

Climb up the vertical face or the easy moves at the start of BMW and step left to boulder up the bulge.

The 4th bolt is hard to clip; most ascents have been done with it stick-clipped (making them all but toprope ascents), but it is possible and safe to lead it propely.

A key hold also broke on this route in 2008, cementing the grade firmly at 13c.

An ideal choice for boulderers with long arms, one should still learn how to move properly on its holds, as pinching aimlessly at slick slopers or bearing down with abandon on its sharp crux crimp might send you packing earlier than expected.

Although it is considered as merely a roped boulder problem, you should still keep your cool after the crux to rock over the slab and go for either the popular finish (which joins 4x4 and the middle anchor of BMW), or the elegant finish, which climbs straight up Go-Kart and the second pitch of BMW to top out the crag.

High quality movement, but can be skin-piercing and frustrating. Almost always dry. Don't waste your time trying this in the sun.


The bulge just left of BMW. Starts by rocking onto a small ledge, then stepping left to clip the first bolt.


9 bolts to fixed biners at the anchor.

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Étienne Gaucher
Montreal, QC
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