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5.8 R, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 1.9 from 14 votes
FA: unknown
W Virginia > Eastern WV > Smoke Hole Canyon > Guide Wall > Sunshine Wall (Guide…


Climb up tricky terrain past a bolt to a thin ledge. Clip a high second bolt, and continue up past wide handholds, to easing terrain and anchors. Beware the groundfall potential past 2nd bolt.


Route is located atop a small belay ledge, just past the Guide's 8 arĂȘte.


Four bolts. Two bolts at anchor.

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Zendo with a cam (BD #3) placed between the first and second bolt.
[Hide Photo] Zendo with a cam (BD #3) placed between the first and second bolt.

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Ben Wyse
Harrisonburg, VA.
[Hide Comment] Easy for 5.8. I would call it 5.7. Nov 5, 2022
[Hide Comment] #2 after first bolt can reduce risk of ground fall. Jan 16, 2023