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5.9, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2.2 from 26 votes
FA: unknown
W Virginia > Eastern WV > Smoke Hole Canyon > Guide Wall > Sunshine Wall (Guide…


Climb up some tricky terrain to a high bolt above the Zendo ledge. Continue upwards through the technical crux, and a small bulge to cruise up to the anchors.


Route is located at ground-level, left of the belay ledge for Zendo.


Six bolts. Two bolts at anchor.

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[Hide Comment] Super fun climb!!! easy 5.9 in my opinion. One section layback but huge hold. I did add a large tricam down lower and a nut up higher because it was easy and a little run out.
Super fun!!! Jun 19, 2023
[Hide Comment] Anchors were flexing slightly, but I am a bigger sort. One of the lower bolts was still plenty sturdy, but starting to deform. Aug 14, 2023