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Crayon Pony Fish

5.10+, Sport, 30 ft (9 m),  Avg: 1 from 3 votes
FA: Steve Edwards
Utah > Wasatch Range > Central Wasatch > Grandeur Peak > Reef


The corner right of Leviathan and its super bouldery neighbor, has a three bolt line. Steep and juggy, for the Reef, anyway, it's a pretty decent warm-up. The first bolt is high but the ground is flat and you clip from a bucket.


3 bolts.

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Crayon comes in far from the right, to share anchors with this much harder climb straight below.
[Hide Photo] Crayon comes in far from the right, to share anchors with this much harder climb straight below.

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Hansen Wendlandt
[Hide Comment] There are four bolts now, in this awkward weird climb. Start in the dihedral, and then veer left to the shared anchors. Jun 16, 2023