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5.10a, Sport, 70 ft (21 m),  Avg: 2.3 from 46 votes
FA: MJM & RAMM, 1/2016
Colorado > Canon City > Shelf Rd > Bank > 05. Thunder Tactics


Gain the flake to clip C1. Move left with reachy, sharp rock to C2 and a stance under C3. Clip C3 and move up and right towards the corner to C4. Continue up and into the black corner with nice hand jams and thinker feet to the small bulge at C7. Go left or right to C8. There is easier climbing to C9. Climb straight up the final vertical face past 3 clips to the reachy anchors.


Start just right of War in the Banks.

Protection & Vitals

12 clips to chained anchors.

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Matteo Serenari
[Hide Comment] Hard to reach 7th bolt for the short ones. Hold tight! Jun 7, 2024