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Turtle Head

5.9, Sport, 75 ft (23 m),  Avg: 3.2 from 5 votes
FA: Marcus Floyd
Missouri > CM: Providence > N Area > Turtle Wall


Climb the lower slab up and left to the base of an arete, then follow it up to the Turtle Head roof crux. Climb with confidence, for all the clipping point provide at least one good hand hold and stable foot holds. The last section follows the classic Missouri feel so pull over the buldge lip and stand next the the rap anchors to finish.


Look at the photo and then find the first bolt while exploring the Turtle Wall.


Sport with rap anchors

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Turtle Head
[Hide Photo] Turtle Head
Jim Karpowitz, on Turtle Head 5.9, climbing with Mike Jenner
[Hide Photo] Jim Karpowitz, on Turtle Head 5.9, climbing with Mike Jenner
Jim traversing left to the second bolt while belayed by Mike Jenner
[Hide Photo] Jim traversing left to the second bolt while belayed by Mike Jenner