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Triple vires

5.8, Sport, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 1.9 from 15 votes
FA: unknown
International > N America > Canada > Quebec > 05. Cantons-de-… > Mt Orford (Pic… > f. Le petit mur
Warning Access Issue: SEPAQ day fee to be payed at parking or online DetailsDrop down


Three small ledges to overcome...Crux is after the 3rd bolt on a slaby section that you exit right onto to then head back slightly left to finish on a large belay ledge.


second route on the wall when starting from the climber's right.


5 bolts, 2 glue-ins so that you can lower off

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Climber clearing the second ledge and heading right onto small slab.
[Hide Photo] Climber clearing the second ledge and heading right onto small slab.