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Power Dive

5.12d, Sport, 30 ft (9 m),  Avg: 3.5 from 2 votes
FA: Ward Smith, 1990
Massachusetts > Western MA > Mormon Hollow > Mormon Hollow - Left…


Start up the face on the far right side of the cave. Climb out the roof through sequential slot jugs and crimps to the crux, a tough lip encounter. Grab a big jug over the lip to rest. The redpoint crux is the technical slab following the rest. Then top out.


This is in the cave up and left of Dark Star.


4 bolts + an anchor.

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The short roof followed by a steep slab on the right side of the cave.
[Hide Photo] The short roof followed by a steep slab on the right side of the cave.

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Ward Smith
Wendell MA
[Hide Comment] This was my hardest route when I put it up in 1990. I was close to sending and couldn't find anyone to climb with mid-week. My regular partner Mark Tebaldi was tired and didn't want to climb, but I begged him and told him I'd pay him 50 bucks (in 1990 dollars) to belay me.

After I sent, he didn't want to take the money, but I said it was more than worth it. Sep 13, 2020
[Hide Comment] That is one heck of a story, Ward. Thanks for sharing.
You can pay me $50 (in 2020 dollars) to belay you on any route :) Sep 16, 2020