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Tunnel Vision

5.12d, Sport, 30 ft (9 m),  Avg: 3.6 from 16 votes
FA: Ward Smith?, 1991
Massachusetts > Western MA > Mormon Hollow > Mormon Hollow - Left…


Start up the crack in the middle of the cave. Follow juggy rails straight out the roof to a wild blind dyno to a huge, jug slot. Finish straight up the moderate slab to a 2 bolt anchor, and top out. This is a very fun bouldery route.


This starts in the cave up and left of Dark Star.


4 bolts + an anchor.

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The middle line out the cave.
[Hide Photo] The middle line out the cave.

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Ward Smith
Wendell MA
[Hide Comment] FA: 1991. Sep 15, 2020
Alex Fischer
Albuquerque, NM
[Hide Comment] Oh no! I spent so much time hanging out on that block, shaking out despite having done like 5 moves on the climb, haha. Sep 20, 2020