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5.7 X, Trad, TR, 30 ft (9 m),  Avg: 1 from 1 vote
FA: Todd & Donette Swain 01-1994
California > Joshua Tree NP > Central Joshua… > Sheep Pass Area > Hall of Horrors… > Hall of Horrors > E Wall Outer (Creatur…
Warning Access Issue: Climbing Regulations/Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


This route is located on the backside of the wall with Hellraiser, Hellbender, et al. The climb is located in a narrow corridor about 20 feet to the left of Hellcat. Start about 10 feet left of Hellhound where the corridor is narrow enough that you can chimney to start the route.


This route is located on the backside of the wall with Hellraiser, Hellbender, et al. The climb is located in a narrow corridor about 20 feet to the left of Hellcat and 10 feet left of Hellhound.


Poor protection to lead the route, but it can be top roped.