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5.11+ PG13, Trad, TR, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 3.4 from 7 votes
FA: unknown
Massachusetts > Western MA > Rose Ledge > 07 - Buoux Buttress


This route is too good to not be on MP, but you should still buy the Al Rubin guidebook and/or support the WMCC.

Start on the boulder, then follow the seam/crack till it ends at a horizontal. Get some really good gear here, and then run it out straight up to the top on crimps. Exciting!


This is at the far right end of the Buoux Buttress, a few feet in from the arete at the obvious crack.


Small cams and nuts.

I've given this a PG-13 rating due to a decent runout up top. If your gear is good below it, the fall is fine, but this is something you might want to strongly consider sussing out before jumping on lead.

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Partners in Climb.
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An absolutely beautiful face climb.
[Hide Photo] An absolutely beautiful face climb.

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Easthampton , MA
[Hide Comment] Two bolts for a top rope. May 2, 2016
Jimmy Downhillinthesnow
Fort Collins, CO / Seattle, WA
[Hide Comment] Short, but good and felt hard for the grade! Jul 15, 2017
[Hide Comment] How did we miss this great looking line back in the '80s and '90s? Jan 8, 2022