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El Patron

5.8, Trad, 90 ft (27 m),  Avg: 2.9 from 7 votes
FA: A. Collins, M. Rangel
Arizona > Central Arizona > Christopher Cre… > Spring Creek > Upper Wall


A line that begins wide and narrows to a seam at the summit. The is just left of the rappel and the wide 5.9. Approach base of chimney and squirm around the big flake to easier climbing above. You can easily pass the overhung stuff above on big face holds.


About 30' right of Frogleg Squimney is a continuous crack starts out as a chimney and tapers to a seam.


standard rack to #4 camalot, bolt anchor/no chains. Walk west to mussy hooks about 30 feet.

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Aaron on the FA
[Hide Photo] Aaron on the FA

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Phoenix & Prescott, AZ
[Hide Comment] Super fun! Don't be put off by the wideness -- easy to protect and really fun climbing! Great route. Jun 16, 2016
Phoenix & Prescott, AZ
[Hide Comment] Caution: I rope soloed this a week or so ago and noted that the top block was loose. After clearing rope and dog and gear from below I trundled what turned out to be a picnic table sized block!! Major damage to the route and stuff below. I will post video if I can.

Can't figure out how to post a video -- let me know via email to me if you want to see and I'll text it to you. Crazy crazy! Jun 15, 2017
mesa, az
[Hide Comment] Decent route. I found gear to be fickle and uninspiring at times. It climbed like a face route w gear. A little grungy still but fun. Jul 4, 2023
Mike Gibson
Payson, AZ
[Hide Comment] This route has a great variety of moves from jamming to jugging to crimping. It looks a bit crusty and weedy, but I found it was clean where you needed it to be. Aug 18, 2024