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Under Powered

5.12-, Sport, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 1.8 from 6 votes
FA: A. Miller
New Mexico > Santa Fe Area > Diablo Canyon > Grotto > Grotto Left (E Side)
Warning Access Issue: Access Issue for Areas in BLM Taos Field Office Lands DetailsDrop down


Climb up two bolts, clip the fixed draw high, then power your way through the devious, steep, underclingy crux without great feet-ures. Choose the right or left variation, neither are easy.


First route on the left side of Grotto as you enter from the Runway Trail. Follows a nice arete bulge.


9 bolts, one fixed. Bolted anchor

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Rope hanging through the first 3 bolts
[Hide Photo] Rope hanging through the first 3 bolts

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Drew Nevius
Tulsa, OK
[Hide Comment] On first impression the left variation (past the perma) looked more doable, so we worked that side. I missed the last bolt on my send and thought it was a good 15ft run to the anchor, but later my friend found the last bolt 3-4ft left on the arete. The lower half through the crux was solid rock, but watch out for bits of choss on the slabby upper half. Once that cleans up it’ll be 3 stars! Fun line! May 26, 2019