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Stubborn Mule

5.9+, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2.3 from 8 votes
FA: D. Ranck
Colorado > Leadville > Camp Hale > Mule Train Wall


To be edited in.


It is the 5th route from the left.


7 bolts and anchor shuts.

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Michael R
Vail Valley, CO
[Hide Comment] I think this is the one we climbed, we climbed the one at the top of the trail which felt .9 (seems to fit as Pack It In, Pack It Out), then climbed the one immediately to its right. The laminated Camp Hale guidebook notes Stubborn Mule as being the next to the right. I am not sure what route is what in this area, and it doesn't seem like people climb here as often as other areas at Camp Hale. Jul 10, 2020