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JB Slab

V2, Boulder,  Avg: 2.2 from 5 votes
FA: unknown
Alabama > Horse Pens 40 > Rdside Boulders/Cadil…


Filthy sad garbage slab. Start on slopers, stand on lichen, reach up to slopers, stand on more lichen, and then stab to the jugs above the bulge.


On the Cadillac Thrills boulder, on the uphill side, on the little wall that also holds Spandex Ballet. Look for the scummy licheny slab between two runnels on the right side of the face.


1 pad to protect the rocky, rooty landing.

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Nathan Devan
Huntsville, AL
[Hide Comment] It's a good bit cleaner these days, but still lame. Mar 21, 2023