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5.10, Trad, 100 ft (30 m),  Avg: 1.5 from 2 votes
FA: D Custer, S Ruff, K Smith
Nevada > Southern Nevada > Red Rocks > (11) Juniper Ca… > Jackrabbit Buttress
Warning Access Issue: Red Rock RAIN AND WET ROCK: The sandstone is fragile and is very easily damaged when wet. DetailsDrop down


Left Stick's soul mate; a delight for connoisseurs of slightly overhung, wide #3 camalot cracks. Would deserve many stars if it were longer and one could casually scramble to the base of the crack/dihedral.


On the right side of the gully between Geronimo and Mr Z; the all too obvious short, wide, gently overhanging crack in a tight corner.


The crack proper starts as red camalots and the business is #3 camalots. A #4 can be placed eventually. Purple & green camalots (.5 & .75) useful for belay above & below.

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[Hide Comment] Really fun and strenuous, though short. We belayed from the big ledge, plugged a .5 and climbed up and over a bush on a small ledge. From there nice stemming gets you to the crack. Double 1's and 3's, with a single 2 and optional 4 camalot gets you through the business. We belayed and rapped off the slung boulder up and left. Dec 18, 2017