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Yin and Yang

5.9, Trad, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 2.3 from 4 votes
FA: Scott Cole, Kevin Calder - 1980s
California > Eastern Sierra > Mammoth Lakes Area > Al's Garage


Brushy and guano filled cracks lead to an excellent right leaning double hand crack. A mantle pulls off the steep face and onto a large ledge. Around a corner a short and easy wide crack leads to another ledge at the top of the routes Dharma and Karma.

To avoid lots of rope drag at the end of the pitch, it is best to run out the wide crack to the second ledge. Also if top roping, the anchor on top of Dharma is better than the recommended anchor on top of Karma.


This route is far left on this upper terrace and starts just right of a 4 foot block.


A standard rock rack with gear to 3.5".

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Sunny Slopes + Berkeley, CA…
[Hide Comment] fun, low key route w. nice crack - only used gear to 2.5" Jul 13, 2015