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5.11a, Sport, TR,  Avg: 2.6 from 21 votes
FA: Jeff Butterfield, top roped in 1992
Maine > -Acadia NP > Canada Cliff > Canada Cliff Rock
Warning Access Issue: Annual Trail Closures to protect Peregrine falcons DetailsDrop down


Begin just right of arete under small roof. Pull roof to climb face, staying to right of arete. Follow right facing corner to top.


A few bolts to top. Possible to setup top rope at top quite easily.

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

A more descriptive photo. In the foreground is a boulder about chest height; the route starts farther below where that guy is sitting. Photo by Caitlin O.
[Hide Photo] A more descriptive photo. In the foreground is a boulder about chest height; the route starts farther below where that guy is sitting. Photo by Caitlin O.
Climbing the face above the hard start.
[Hide Photo] Climbing the face above the hard start.
Taken by Caitlin O. of myself on the onsight, May 2018
[Hide Photo] Taken by Caitlin O. of myself on the onsight, May 2018