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Jugs Judy

5.12+, Sport, 70 ft (21 m),  Avg: 3.4 from 9 votes
FA: Lee Terveen
S Dakota > Spearfish Canyon > Shadowlands > Court House Wall

She will give you a hard time.

Start on the first three bolts of Legal Eagle and trend right at about the fourth to experience a bit of Whopnar. Continue to move up and right to a to series of ass whooping, pumpy holds -and a complete and total bitch of a sequence- found at the top half of a route known as The Gavel. Be prepared to receive much more than a slap on the wrist.


Left side of the Courthouse Wall. This route is considered a linkup (that flows left to right) between Legal Eagle, Whopgnar and The Gavel.


10 bolts.