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Crisis of Confidence

5.12a, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2.5 from 21 votes
FA: Micah Gentry
Tennessee > Lower Leda


A fun short route that has a brief crux, 5.11 climbing to the third bolt gets you to a v4ish boulder problem, continue on to easy slab with terrible rope drag,


the far left of the wall, 30 ft left of treehuger, orange rock


5 bolts and Ring Anchors

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Firing the crux moves after Sebastian cracked the beta on "Crisis of Confidence"
[Hide Photo] Firing the crux moves after Sebastian cracked the beta on "Crisis of Confidence"

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Michael Gee Gee
Ifrane, Morocco
[Hide Comment] I've tried this route a few times, and each time i've been shut down at the crux. Does anyone have any beta on the crux? Thanks! Jan 30, 2017
Elden Zen
originally da Bayou, now in…
[Hide Comment] campus Jan 31, 2017
Trystan Humann
[Hide Comment] Is this the first sport route left of Rusty? Jun 4, 2019
[Hide Comment] Yes Trystan Crisis is just left of Rusty Jun 5, 2019
Trystan Humann
[Hide Comment] Beta - Spoilers: When you get to the corner, get feet under you, lean right onto the high crimp. Left hand on high sloper, match with right hand, get better right foot on a small edge about waist high and move your right hand to an intermediate crimp. Bump to side pull and you should be able to clip. There are two nice jugs above the sidepull as well. Goodluck! Jun 11, 2019
Lizzy Barton
[Hide Comment] The upper section of this after the crux could really use another bolt. It's easy terrain, but it still doesn't feel that safe to me. Mar 15, 2021
Tim Wheatley
Chattanooga, TN
[Hide Comment] Beta Video: Jun 22, 2022