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Skeleton Surfer

5.11b/c, Sport,  Avg: 2.7 from 18 votes
FA: James Fredericks, Ted Ottto, Summer 1989.
Oregon > Central Oregon > Smith Rock > (f) Cocaine Gully
Warning Access Issue: 2023 Seasonal Raptor Nesting Closures DetailsDrop down


If you want to climb this at the grade then you'll simply haul yourself up to the first bolt and start fro there. If you want to turn it into a 12a then start from the base. The 12a move is easier if you have long arms. Super reachy. The route is so juggy, you'll forget that your even at smith. This route recieves little attention but I can't seem to figure out why. Great moves with a cool foot cutting crux up top. This and the Blade make a great combo. If joining the two routes, I reccommend Top roping Skeleton surfer and then leading The Blade to avoid rope drag.


This route is on the big block plugging cocain gully just before you enter the closed right entrance.


5 bolts, chains. a little old and spinners but they still have some life in them.

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Start for the 11b is right below first bolt
[Hide Photo] Start for the 11b is right below first bolt

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[Hide Comment] 4 bolts...first bolt is gone, and only the screw remains visible...stick clipping second bolt isn't too hard. I was very happy with the choice of stick clipping, as the moves off the deck might be the most difficult on the route. Mar 31, 2015
Derrick Peppers
Terrebonne, OR
[Hide Comment] thanks for the heads up. I'll replace it once i'm back in Oregon unless someone beats me to it "hint hint":) Apr 1, 2015
Capple Apple
Portland, OR
[Hide Comment] Really cool route, minus the start that i can't do...yet. Also the jug below the chains has a fair bit of wiggle to it. Hopefully it stays put. Mar 14, 2017
Charlie Egan
St George, UT
[Hide Comment] The wiggling jug fell off on 10/1/17. The route is a few ticks harder now. Oct 2, 2017
[Hide Comment] These bolts are pretty bad and should be replaced. 3/8 sleeve bolts with (fortunately not the bad kind of) SMC hangers. Real fun climb. I think the whole route from the ground is somewhere between 11b and 12a. End crux might be the hardest move. Mar 31, 2022