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Whited Sepulchre

5.12b, Sport, 70 ft (21 m),  Avg: 3.1 from 16 votes
FA: unknown
Utah > Southwest Utah > Cedar City > Cedar Canyon > Graveside Matte… > Lower Tier


Shares the start of Wicked. It then veers left up a large flake feature. Poor feet and small pockets and edges makes this a few clicks harder than Wicked.


Left most climb on the Lower Tier.


bolts to chain anchor (shared with Wicked)

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[Hide Comment] Is this up and sent yet? Sep 24, 2015
MisterCattell Cattell
Modesto, Ca
[Hide Comment] Manufacturing on this route is disappointing. I wish whoever did this took just a minute more and saw the obvious holds just right of where they decided to drill. Nov 11, 2019