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Split Personality

5.11a, Sport, 100 ft (30 m),  Avg: 3 from 27 votes
FA: Kelly Cordner, Margy Marshall, Derick Olson. Dave Pedersen, Theresa Otto
California > Eastern Sierra > Bishop Area > Owens River Gorge > Upper Gorge > Holy Trinity
Warning Access Issue: Bridges Out! IMPORTANT LADWP NEGOTIATIONS!! DetailsDrop down


face, crack and seam climbing. Crux at 6th bolt.


left most route on Holy Trinity Wall


11 bolts.

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The route.
[Hide Photo] The route.
Margy Marshall near the crux.
[Hide Photo] Margy Marshall near the crux.

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Austin Archer
Bishop, Ca.
[Hide Comment] Sustained little section in the middle, It feels harder than the given grade. Great climbing the whole way up, thanks for the work in putting it up. May 22, 2015
Gumby boy king
[Hide Comment] Very nice route but easier than the crack of dawn next door. The seem has bolts like 3 feet apart....

No bird shit as of March 2020 Mar 29, 2020
Sunny Slopes + Berkeley, CA…
[Hide Comment] fun line, very enjoyable! not hard for the grade and well protected at the crux... Apr 13, 2023