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East Face

5.10b, Trad, Alpine, 1300 ft (394 m), 11 pitches, Grade IV,  Avg: 3.5 from 13 votes
FA: Bill Sumner & Mike Heath 1971, FFA Pat Brennan & Ken Kenaga 1993
California > High Sierra > 14 - Whitney &… > Aiguille Extra
Warning Access Issue: Certain Peaks: Access limited from May to October every year DetailsDrop down


The East Face of Aiguille Extra is listed as one of the "Classic Climbs of the High Sierra" by Moynier & Fiddler, and there is no doubt as to why - over a thousand feet of steep, beautiful dihedrals and hand cracks make up the bulk of this enjoyable and airy 11 pitch route. The rock quality is generally excellent, with the caveat that this is a relatively untraveled backcountry route - so expect some flake and grain from time to time. The two 4th class sections are also a bit loose/blocky, so be careful and watch out for your belayers health.

From the left end of the blocky ledge at the base of the wall, locate the left-facing dihedral system that connects all the way to the summit. Pretty hard to get off-route once you've found it. Decent belay ledges are in short supply, so stop and utilize one when you find it. Many pitches are only 100-150' due to this. The route could likely be done in 9 or 10 pitches with some rope-stretchers.

A pitch-by-pitch breakdown isn't really necessary on a route like this - climb up the corner with hand cracks. Repeat. P7 - the crux - a stout crack on the face leads to a controlled fall/stem over into the corner, then a super airy rightward chimney traverse and hero hand crack out a roof. WILD! The most surprising part about the route is not the difficulty of the cruxes, but how sustained the 5.8 and 5.9 pitches are. My partner and I both thought that many of the supposed "5.8-5.9" pitches were harder than the 5.10's.

Pat Brennan's topo does a pretty good job breaking it all down. Ignore the left-facing/right-facing symbols - they are very confusing while looking up from the base. The entire route is a giant left-facing corner. The topo tries to distinguish the direction based on which way you face while climbing in the corner.


Double rack to 3", single 4", set of nuts. To descend - hike west from the summit and join the Whitney Trail. Follow the Whitney Trail back over Trail Crest and down the switchbacks, then cross-country back north to the tarn camp.

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Le Aiguille!
[Hide Photo] Le Aiguille!
Chris Orozco following P7 of the East Face
[Hide Photo] Chris Orozco following P7 of the East Face
Topo Copyright Pat Brennan
[Hide Photo] Topo Copyright Pat Brennan
in the upper dihedral of the east face.
[Hide Photo] in the upper dihedral of the east face.
Chris Orozco leading P1 of the East Face
[Hide Photo] Chris Orozco leading P1 of the East Face
Nearing the top of the 1000 ft dihedral.
[Hide Photo] Nearing the top of the 1000 ft dihedral.
Chris Orozco leading P3 of the East Face
[Hide Photo] Chris Orozco leading P3 of the East Face
Chris Orozco following P2 of the East Face
[Hide Photo] Chris Orozco following P2 of the East Face
East Face of Aiguille Extra, with approximate line and belay stations
[Hide Photo] East Face of Aiguille Extra, with approximate line and belay stations

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

Ryan G
San Diego
[Hide Comment] Nice description. Looks awesome. Thanks! Nov 21, 2015
David Pearson
[Hide Comment] climbed 7/19/17. used SP beta and topo here on MP, which both worked out fine for us. 70m rope and 200ft ish pitches keeps the route around 9 pitches. double rack and a single 4 was a bit much to carry but really appreciated. the rock was awesome and kinda bizarre but mostly good. it is apparent that this route doesn't see that much love, we dislodged a 4.5 ft/ 2 ft block on P3 that exploded on our previous belay, proceed with caution.
this was a really cool outing and feature to climb on Jul 22, 2017
[Hide Comment] You can link pitches 3+4 and 10+11 with a 60m pretty easily. All the 5.10 sections are on pretty good rock. While there are lots of corners and hand cracks they are often accompanied with your shoulder in a flare. Not quite blue collar because you'll be reaching in the back of the flare for a hand crack, but more physical than the topo or pics would suggest. Bring lots of runners, pretty much every placement had a draw on it. Jun 17, 2020
Sarah-Min Donahue
Las Vegas, NV
[Hide Comment] Really fun climb but very physical. You can go straight up on pitch 7 and do the offwidth variation, to the chimney, then pull the roof. Jul 27, 2021