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On the Job Training

5.11c/d, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2.9 from 15 votes
FA: Mike Kehoe, Meg Hall (June 1990)
Montana > Southwest Region > Gallatin Canyon > Stormcastle > Hantavirus Cave


Super fun. Route starts on cruiser jugs through an overhang. Make a big lockoff over the lip to transition into crimpy and technical face climbing up into a small corner. Rest up, and tackle the vicious and obvious crux on slopey holds and sidepulls up a detached arete to surmount a small overhang/lip onto a slab, where the chains await.

The holds are all there, and the rock quality is quite good despite being of the lighter variety. Get on it.


Up the small hill to the right of Hantavirus, this line takes the last very overhanging start before the routes become low angle and the rock turns dark. Starts in a small dihedral feature. Two small roofs identify the climb; one at the third bolt, the other at the last bolt.


Very well protected in all the right spots. 8 bolts to chains.

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[Hide Comment] Awesome route... but crazy pumpy. Mostly it's very well protected, but the biggest runout is basically right before the crux. There's a packrat nest up there too and I ruined my traction early on by stepping in poop so watch where your feet go. Sep 8, 2014