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Chimney Cricket

5.7, Trad, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2 from 7 votes
FA: rt,sg
Arizona > Southern Arizona > Mt Lemmon (Sant… > Mt Lemmon (Cata… > 3 - Windy Point… > Turret Rock & Environs


fun chimney climb 25 ft left of catapiller corner. pretty easy climbing although most peeps would prolly say 5.6 but i thought 5.5 was good. good prodeep in the chimney. varries from chimney to squeeze to a lil off width thrown in. gotta wrestle 3 trees on the way up.great beginer route.not sure on the order of routes but its right in this bunch can summit the turret from here with a lil 5.easy. But it down climbs a lil goofy. Could also set up top ropes for most of the routes on either side


chimney 25 ft right of cattapiller corner


i used almost all cams to camalot #4. might have thrown in a hex.long runners. pro was deep in the chimney. ran it out to the anchors up top

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Jerry Cagle
Tucson, AZ
[Hide Comment] I was at Turret today with the intention of possibly free-soloing this line. SQL III (p 216) states, and the photo shows it, as being to the RIGHT, not the left, of Caterpillar Corner as the description here says... That's a kind of important distinction. Also...There is a route listed in SQL III (Doin' That Crazy Hand Jive) between Chimney and Rabbit Tracks. Jun 11, 2020