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Throwin' Stones

5.13a, Sport, 90 ft (27 m),  Avg: 3.5 from 13 votes
FA: John Heiman
Nevada > Southern Nevada > Mt Charleston > Route 158 > Glass House
Warning Access Issue: Partial closure due to flood damage DetailsDrop down


I would guess that establishing this route involved a lot of trundling, but the end result is excellent: A high quality route with several distinct cruxes. After a burly start on poor feet cop a no-hands rest (if your leg is the right length), continue up through the low roof and establish above, trying to recover before a second crux moving off a pair of vertical slots to an undercling. Then a few more hard moves. Above this it's just a matter of staying calm during a run from the last bolt up sharp rock to the anchor.


The right-most route at the crag


9 bolts. Kneepad on the left is nice (I put it to use three times - two of which were hands-free).

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Rob WardenSpaceLizard
las Vegans, the cosmic void
[Hide Comment] this route is incredible. the knee pad is incredibly useful Jun 30, 2018
Tane Owens
Las Vegas, NV
[Hide Comment] This is one of the best routes I've done at Mt. Charleston. The top freaked me out but ended up being quite secure. This thing is classic. Jul 10, 2019
Jonathan Siegrist
Las Vegas
[Hide Comment] Awesome route! Full trad style, insecure and without down pulling holds. I’d say 13a especially compared to the others here. Jul 26, 2019
Nate Smith
Philly Vegas
[Hide Comment] I was able to manage 4 knee bars on the route all off the left leg. At 6’2’’, none of them were no hands and 2 of which were movement based to be able to progress with a minor shake. I think your height ends up making this more or less of a letter grade. For what it’s worth I thought it was 13a but everyone at the crag felt it was easier but a select few. Everyone is strong in this town and nobody wants to admit it’s 13a lol. Classic route nonetheless! Sep 7, 2024