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Diamond Eyes

5.13a, Sport, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 2.7 from 12 votes
FA: Elana Ovichnakova
Nevada > Southern Nevada > Mt Charleston > Route 158 > Glass House
Warning Access Issue: Partial closure due to flood damage DetailsDrop down


Impressive flash by Elana Ovichnakova took the first ascent. Expect loose rock for footholds and sharp pockets.


Starts in the middle of the cave, same first four bolts as Jet Stream, then breaks left for the anchors of Glass Monkey.


7 bolts (first 4 fixed draws) to lower-off anchors

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Sam Thompson
Missoula, Montana
[Hide Comment] Not sure about the loose rock and sharp pockets (except for the painful ones on the start of jetstream). Great route, all in all Aug 24, 2018
Jonathan Siegrist
Las Vegas
[Hide Comment] Probably easier than Jetstream and about the same grade as ‘Throwing Stones’ imo. Awesome route! Jul 26, 2019
[Hide Comment] Super fun. If there was any loose rock it has been cleaned up. Maybe all of the routes here are 13a... even those 5.11 warm ups, Ha! Sep 18, 2019