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Glass Monkey

5.11d, Sport, 65 ft (20 m),  Avg: 2.3 from 6 votes
FA: John Heiman
Nevada > Southern Nevada > Mt Charleston > Route 158 > Glass House
Warning Access Issue: Partial closure due to flood damage DetailsDrop down


Shares the same anchors as Cracked Glass. It is possible to climb Cracked Glass, lower, and climb this route on toprope, to reduce the pain of the pockets.


The left end of the cave.


7 bolts to lower-off anchors

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Andy Hansen
Longmont, CO
[Hide Comment] This route has an independent anchor from Cracked Glass. It does, however, share an anchor with Diamond Eyes. Great climbing with a hard, brief and sequential crux into some limestone crack wranglin' which taping up for wouldn't be a bad idea, lol. Oct 20, 2022
[Hide Comment] I thought this was actually pretty fun, straight forward, and better bolted than its neighbor to the left. It does involve real jamming at the top and an armbar for the crack climbing aficionado. Aug 3, 2024