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Pancho and Lefty

5.11b, Sport, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 3 from 4 votes
FA: Seth Pettit and Daniel Brothers
W Virginia > Seneca Rocks > S Peak - E Face > Upper Broadway


Four bolt sport line, left of "Lunge or Plunge".


4 Bolts to a two bolt anchor.

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Reilly on Pancho and Lefty
[Hide Photo] Reilly on Pancho and Lefty
The shallow, orange corner near the right side of the photo is "Lunge or Plunge (5.11d)". "Pancho and Lefty" follows the line of four bolts fifteen feet to the left, two of which can be seen in the center of this photo.
[Hide Photo] The shallow, orange corner near the right side of the photo is "Lunge or Plunge (5.11d)". "Pancho and Lefty" follows the line of four bolts fifteen feet to the left, two of which can be seen in the…

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Seth Pettit
Joshua Tree, CA
[Hide Comment] nice rock, good hardware, fun. May 13, 2014