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Memorial Traverse

V7+, Boulder, 20 ft (6 m),  Avg: 3.4 from 5 votes
FA: No idea.
California > Central Coast > Santa Barbara > Santa Barbara… > Ghost Town (a.k.a. wi…
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The obvious Right-to-Left traverse of the big face on the Memorial Boulder. Follows (more or less) the seam, but utilizes holds above and below the seam. This traverse delivers in so many ways: beautiful location; techie-burl moves; gratuitous pump; tricky feet.

I like it almost as much as She Made Me do It, even though it's a completely different style. Some climbers might find this easier than the proposed grade—especially those used to standing on dime-edges and crimping the same. But there's some dynamic power on the rig as well...

Do yourself a favor and try it with nice, cool, windy conditions. It can do a number on your skin.


Obvious seam on boulder. Begin at the far right, on the massive jug at head-height.


Don't even really need pads.

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The problem with being this low to the ground is there's certainly poison oak at the base
[Hide Photo] The problem with being this low to the ground is there's certainly poison oak at the base
It's a traverse, what'd you expect
[Hide Photo] It's a traverse, what'd you expect