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Standard Route
Mod. Snow,
Snow, Alpine, Grade II,
Avg: 3.7 from 12
FA: unknown
> S America
> Ecuador
> Cayambe
Standard glacier travel
Los Alamos, NM
Golden, CO
From the hut (4WD), there is an obvious rock feature above. The ascent trail follows the right side of the rock feature on gravelly ledges with light scrambling. Perhaps 1-hr. Well-traveled and cairned trail with some social trailage.
Descend on the left side of the ridge to the glacier and crampon up. The route trends up and slightly left and NE, bypassing anything difficult and never exceeding 35 degrees until just below the summit. Crevasse fall danger was never high (2013) and the route was heavily-trafficked.
A series of crevasses block final access - we generally did a big "S" to weave through, slope at approx. 45 degrees for a brief spot.
Descent: No rappels necessary. Once on the rock ridge, a faster ski scree can be had by dropping descender's right and then cutting across talus below the cliffs back to the hut. Dec 15, 2016