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5.11d, Sport, 65 ft (20 m),  Avg: 3.7 from 37 votes
FA: William Penner
New Mexico > Jemez Mountains… > Las Conchas > (N) Retirement Wall


Steep jugs to thin/tricky mid section to a reachy, sharp, overhanging finish. Fun, steep climbing with decent rests. 


Up the obvious steep formation on the left


7 bolts to chains

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Steep, juggy and downright fun! January 2014.
[Hide Photo] Steep, juggy and downright fun! January 2014.

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Rennie Putnam
Salt Lake City, UT
[Hide Comment] The aluminum carabiners on the anchors were severely worn, so I replaced them with steel quick links. May 22, 2018
Jason Halladay
Los Alamos, NM
[Hide Comment] We hadn't climbed this one in many years and discovered a small flake at the crux apparently broke off. For the tall folks over 6'2", it doesn't make a significant difference but shorter climbers may have to work a bit harder on smaller, sharper holds now. Still a super fun route. Dec 10, 2023