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Golden Years

5.13a, Sport, 75 ft (23 m),  Avg: 3.3 from 7 votes
FA: Thomas Ellis
New Mexico > Jemez Mountains… > Las Conchas > (N) Retirement Wall


Pockets slopers and crimps on solid rock. The crux is getting to the fifth bolt and then you just have to hold on.


Long golden streak left of Silverback



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Ed up high in some golden light on<br>
Golden Years (5.13a)
[Hide Photo] Ed up high in some golden light on Golden Years (5.13a)
Golden Years action. February 2014.
[Hide Photo] Golden Years action. February 2014.
Starting the route<br>
Golden Years(5.13a)
[Hide Photo] Starting the route Golden Years(5.13a)

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Abram Chavez
[Hide Comment] Does anybody have any beta they are willing to share on the moves between the third and fourth bolt? Maybe it was because it was baking in the sun but they had me totally baffled May 19, 2019
William Penner
The 505
[Hide Comment] Abram, the way we did this section originally was a big dyno. Not sure if others have found different beta.

This area can be perfect in the winter with great conditions since the Retirement Wall bakes in the sun most of the day. May 20, 2019
Abram Chavez
[Hide Comment] Thanks William I appreciate it, likely saved me a bunch of time and skin. Jun 5, 2019