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Wheel Chair Access

5.10c, Sport, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 2.9 from 27 votes
FA: Thomas Ellis
New Mexico > Jemez Mountains… > Las Conchas > (N) Retirement Wall


This route shares the start with Social Security but takes the right line after the fourth bolt. 2nd route from right. If you excuse the chossy start you should gain good fun sustained climbing to the chains.


10 bolts (first five shared with Social Security) to chain anchor with carabiners. If you plan to TR the route, its recommended to unclip the last draw to reduce rope drag.


Shares start and anchor with Social Security but takes right line at 5th bolt. These routes are right of the small cave.

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Well above the short, crumbly start and into the goodness. February 2014.
[Hide Photo] Well above the short, crumbly start and into the goodness. February 2014.

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Owen S
[Hide Comment] Thanks to Halladay, this route now has independent anchors. Aug 15, 2017
Frank Stein
Picayune, MS
[Hide Comment] This is a really nice warmup. Well worth doing. Dec 4, 2021