Type: Sport, 90 ft (27 m)
FA: unknown
Page Views: 2,733 total · 21/month
Shared By: bspiewak on Nov 6, 2013
Admins: Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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Crystalean (crystil-ian) - An obscure belief that consuming minerals in their purest form will lead to a transcendant, enlightened existence.

Pitch 1. Opional 3-4" cam to protect getting to the first bolt. 90'. Bolted anchor/rap (not visible from the ground).

A large right facing dihedral mottled grey and red is the dominant feature at the base of the left side of the Left Wall. Get established in the corner without landing on your belayer, and look for the bolt up left in the face of the dihedral. Climb out of the dihedral past the bolt and carry on above past 5 or 6 more bolts. Towards the top you should encounter the namesake crystal hold. Lick it, and transcend to the anchor.

It is said that this climb is easier, if first you eat a little dirt.

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Bolts. Optional 3-4" cam.
