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Puffer Fish

V1-, Boulder, 10 ft (3 m),  Avg: 2 from 1 vote
FA: unknown
Colorado > Grand Junction… > Riggs' Hill > Escondido Circle > Questioning Block


Start on the right with a heel hook and a good hold. Move up and left arriving at a sloper. You can match this or just move up. Top out.


This is on the same boulder as Grieving Process and Tibia Delight. This is on the east side of the boulder.


Pads and a spotter.

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Beta for Puffer Fish.
[Hide Photo] Beta for Puffer Fish.
Kody working Puffer Fish.
[Hide Photo] Kody working Puffer Fish.
East side. Puffer Fish.
[Hide Photo] East side. Puffer Fish.