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West Crack

5.9, Trad, 280 ft (85 m), 2 pitches,  Avg: 3 from 13 votes
FA: unknown
Washington > Central-E Casca… > Leavenworth > Icicle Creek > Duty Dome - War… > Warrior Wall
Warning Access Issue: Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


A nice mix of climbing with a cool flake traverse on the first pitch
There are 3 route options for the 2nd pitch: Weekday Warrior, Hotshots, or the original (now very dirty) left facing corner.


If you locate the Warrior, hike up the hill till you come to a wide looking crack that is the start of Potato Chip Flake. It is the next route up the hill from that. You will see the flake feature above.


Standard rack up to 3".
2 bolt rap bolts at top of 1st pitch.
Rap off Hotshots or Prime rib at top of buttress.
Or walk off.

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West Crack
[Hide Photo] West Crack
Finishing up on the fun flake.
[Hide Photo] Finishing up on the fun flake.
start of West Crack
[Hide Photo] start of West Crack
Starting up West Crack
[Hide Photo] Starting up West Crack

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

[Hide Comment] This looks like a fun route, but as of yesterday (1MAY2024) is totally overgrown with moss on the 1st pitch. Also, note the rap bolts are just that - bolts with hangers. You'd have to leave some gear if you're going down after the first pitch. May 2, 2024
Geoff Georges
Seattle, WA
[Hide Comment] The bolts above the flake traverse first pitch are Metolious rap hangers that you feed your rope through. Not ideal but they work. May 2, 2024