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5.11 V3, TR, Boulder, 20 ft (6 m),  Avg: 2 from 1 vote
FA: Mike Robinson 10/13 Rope Solo
New Hampshire > WM: Waterville… > Yellowjacket Area > Yellowjacket Crags > Cavern Cliff Area > 5- Cavern Cliff


Mettle is the thin and crimpy face to the right of Gypsy Cafe. Start in front of a small cluster of trees, gain a rail the figure out how to get the rail under your feet. Once your standing on the rail work up the vertical face on smears, crimps, and small feet. Grab the edge and move slightly right to large positive holds, mantle the low angle shelf and walk off left.


just right of Gypsy Cafe


I used a mid sized tree to the left of the route and natural features for directional. A pad, spotter, and courage would work too.

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find the rope in this picture, this is the line
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