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Regional Dialect

5.11-, Trad, Sport, 90 ft (27 m),  Avg: 3 from 5 votes
FA: Aaron Stetzer & Eric Gilbert
S Dakota > Needles Of Rush… > Mt Rushmore Nat… > Chopping Block > Shrub
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Nice mixed climbing just two minutes from the road. Start laying back the large flake (good nut placement behind) heading toward the two crux bolts. Unlock the tricky sequence and continue up the crack while placing mostly small gear. At the top of the crack place the last possible piece(obvious nut) and do a couple thin traversing moves to the left until you can run it out on good crystals to the ledge. Two more bolts and your at the chains.


On the shrub, 20 ft downhill from Slang.


A standard rack to 1" and nuts will do, however several smaller cams (c3's) opens up a lot more options. There is also a spot for a 4" cam before the traverse, but not necessary.

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Kirtis cleaning it up in style
[Hide Photo] Kirtis cleaning it up in style

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harrison t
Bozeman, MT
  5.11- PG13
[Hide Comment] Big ride potential if you somehow fell in the 'good crystals' or one was to break. Tasty line!
C3s are definitely nice to have. Sep 17, 2014