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Kegel Krunch

5.9, Sport, TR,  Avg: 2.4 from 11 votes
FA: Charles Pechousek , Peter Gernassnig, Sept 2013
International > N America > Canada > Quebec > 16. Montérégie > Mont Rigaud > 6. Main Wall
Warning Access Issue: You must pay to park and/or cross the ski hill. DetailsDrop down



Climb up on positive holds to a bolt on a diamond shaped slab. Move up onto the left side of the slab, then step right into a v-slot to find Gunks style holds. Finish easier past 2 more bolt to a nice ledge at the top.


Find a low triangular shaped slab [5.10 trio]. Up and left is a high diamond shaped slab with a bolt near the base of it.


(5 bolts) REMOVED FOR SAFETY + anchor

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Matt D
Jay, NY (and Montreal)
[Hide Comment] The bolts on this route have been flagged with pink tape labelled "Danger" - presumably because the large block at the third bolt is loose. Jul 15, 2019
[Hide Comment] Again .....There is , actually , Flags to indicate that there is loose rock in this line .
For your safety , don't climb it until the flags are removed Jun 2, 2020
[Hide Comment] Bolts have been removed from this climb, but the anchor is still there. Be careful not to confuse this with the Corner to the right. Preferably avoid setting TR on the anchor because of danger of loose rock. Sep 22, 2021