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Jungle Book
Boulder, 15 ft (5 m),
Avg: 3.9 from 58
FA: Jason Kehl
> Holy Boulders &…
> Holy Boulders
> H: Illuminati Boulders
Classic overhung arete madness on the leftside of the New Zero Boulder. start on the left of the arete on jugs climb up aways till the holds disappear then do a large, but static move to a sloper on the arete. Slot a toe-hook then match the sloper. Cut your feet and enjoy the ride. Stick the crazy swing and then campus the final moves to a hard but manageable topout. Absolutely hyper-classic
the arete to the left of the new zero
many pads and spotters for crazy swing.
[Hide Photo] Ross McKinney showing where the name Jungle Book came from. Photo by Thomas Diehl.
[Hide Photo] Jason on the FA of Jungle Book
[Hide Photo] Jimmy Webb flashing Jugnle Book. After sending he noted that if you send this bloc. you earn "G Status"
[Hide Photo] Local on Jungle Book
[Hide Photo] Catching the iconic swing. Photographer: Chris Vargas
San Diego, CA
Boston, Mass.
Madison, WI