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Flying Carpet

V4, Boulder, 12 ft (4 m),  Avg: 3 from 84 votes
FA: unknown
Utah > Wasatch Range > Central Wasatch > Little Cottonwo… > Boulders - Litt… > Secret Garden > Goldy Boulder
Warning Access Issue: UDOT will ticket cars parked on the south side of the canyon opposite the Secret Garden bouldering area. DetailsDrop down
Warning Access Issue: Gate Buttress Area Recreational Lease: Climbs on Church Buttress above vault remain closed DetailsDrop down


Starts on the jug on the left side of face a couple feet off the ground, and side pull on the right, big move to sloper and another from a pinch to the top-out.


Park in the Park-n-ride and head up the trail by the bathrooms. East face of Goldy Boulder (first boulder on right after parking lot area Boulders).


2 Pads, spotter

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Flying Carpet
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skinny legs and all
Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania
[Hide Comment] The first move is bunchy and just plain hard for a V4, even in LCC; the land of sandbags. Dec 10, 2013
[Hide Comment] Anyone have a picture of this route? I am dumb and can't figure out where this starts despite the directions here and in the black bible. Apr 11, 2019
Scott Stoddard
[Hide Comment] - Added a few beta picks, if you’re tall, this actually was on the softer side of V4s I’ve tried in LCC. Love the movement, really fun problem. Nov 4, 2020
Ethan Lenz
Hurricane, UT
[Hide Comment] Solid V4! A super fun climb, especially for sub-6 ft climbers. This is a fair and maybe even soft V4, especially if you have ever climbed in big bend bouldering area or party pit area. Compared to those two this is likely more like V3. Does anyone happen to know if the "less than satisfying" right hand pinch at the end is on for the V5 variation where you top out to the left instead of the right? Oct 14, 2024