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5.9, Sport, 45 ft (14 m),  Avg: 2.3 from 14 votes
FA: Adam Stackhouse
California > Joshua Tree NP > Pinto Basin > OZ Area > Magic Mtn Area > Elf's Hat
Warning Access Issue: Climbing Regulations/Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


Four bolts up the steep east face. Anchor on top.


Located on the east face of The Elf's Hat, facing the road.


quick draws only.

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[Hide Photo] Squidbillies
Aubrey Adams on Squidbillies.
[Hide Photo] Aubrey Adams on Squidbillies.
[Hide Photo] Squidbillies.

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Nick R
Granite Falls, WA
[Hide Comment] Start was the crux for me. Bolts looked good, a little runout on the top but nothing you can't handle. Mar 18, 2019
DJ Reyes
Northern Nevada
[Hide Comment] I agree with Nick R. The start is the crux with somewhat sustained climbing to the top. Mar 25, 2020
Ben Crocker
Bowling Green, KY
[Hide Comment] Tricky start and the first 20 feet or so has tough moves but they are all there all the way up. Nov 1, 2022
[Hide Comment] there's a horn shaped flake directly to the left of the 3rd bolt that looks and feels good, but sounds hollow and is ready to come off. Other underclings also sound a bit hollow. Other than that, good holds and good feet all the way up. Mar 30, 2023