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Monkey's Little Sister

5.10d, Sport, 30 ft (9 m),  Avg: 2.3 from 42 votes
FA: unknown
California > Lake Tahoe > I-80 Corridor > Bowman/Emeralds > Emeralds > Steel Monkey Wall
Warning Access Issue: No overnight camping on PG&E property DetailsDrop down


This is a fun short climb just right around the corner of the main Steel Monkey wall.


2 bolts and top anchors

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Gabriel Huie
San Francisco
[Hide Comment] Two bouldering moves with a steming section after the 2nd bolt on the lip then your basically finished to anchors Sep 15, 2014
Marek Hajek
Reno, NV
[Hide Comment] This route starts a few feet to the right of the arete. Climb towards the arete on overhanging rock with good holds, then follow the bolt line straight up. The crux is pulling an overhanging bulge at the second bolt. A blind reach to an ok hold with better holds to follow. May 25, 2017
[Hide Comment] The anchors are accessible from the gully and ledges located on the right (climber's) side of the route. Jul 14, 2019